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Image manipulation of the coronavirus inside the globe

Joseph Bullock, a Postdoctoral Researcher within the Physics Department here at 黑料网, who is also a United Nations Global Pulse Industry Research Associate, gave an interview to BBC Radio Tees recently on the important COVID-19 modelling work he has been undertaking.

Joseph works with United Nations Global Pulse, an innovation initiative of the UN Secretary-General, to harness big data and emerging technologies for sustainable development and humanitarian action, where he works on a variety of projects including an open-source individual-based epidemiology simulation for the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.


Because of its unrivalled level of societal detail and geographic granularity, the resulting JUNE model is earmarked by NHS England to support operational decision-making processes in the allocation of resources to respond to this ongoing health emergency.


This innovative and highly relevant research exemplifies, in the best possible way, the contributions our extremely well-trained and talented students within Physics make to wider society.


Listen to the interview below